How to Install Open Monitoring Distribution With Check_MK on Centos 7

1. The first, your must downloading the repository file

2. And your must downloading the epel-release for centos 7

3. Now, you must be update operating system with command yum update and waiting unil finish.

4. Now, your search the OMD (Open Monitoring Distribution) in the mechine, look at the picture. After your search, i'm interested omd-1.30.x86_64 so let's install package.

5. And then your install package the omd, look at the picture

In our system, which consist of the bundle of packages like Nagios, the Nagios plugins, Check_MK, Livestatus, Multisite,PNP4Nagios, NagVis, and other addons. If you want to know more Please visit Ok that's it we just installed an Open Monitoring Distribution , so let's play with omd.

6. After installing omd, it gives us a nice handy tool called omd CLI interface to create a new monitoring system, just enter omd in your terminal.

7. Now your must be setup omd in mechine, if a choise yes or no please your choise y

8. Next your must be create a new monitoring system in your mechine

9. After your finish create new monitoring, now for administration of this site, your command su - monitoring

10. To configure this monitoring instance. Ok, after switching to a monitoring user, we can now start, stop, update, config, backup this monitoring instance. let us start this instance.

11. For view status omd, you can command omd status and enter. Look at the picture

12. Now your open browser, for view monitoring system and your acces

13. If your found a trouble while open monitoring system via browser, the following solutions i hope to be few your help.
Internal Server Error 500

the solution, cp /usr/lib64/python2.7/ /omd/versions/1.30/lib/python/

OMD: Site Not Started

the solution, your must be disabled SELinux in your mechine. the path SELinux in /etc/sysconfig/selinux. Now your change SELinux=enforcing to SELinux=disabled, as shown in the below images. After your changes SELinux, must be reboot the mechine.
Before :

After :

14. After your reboot mechine, please your try open monitoring system via browser again. as shown in the images.

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